
Welcome to my personal website!
I'm really bad at thinking of what I want on my site.
I originally wanted everything done in a single page; making use of card flips. But I needed more than two sides and having more than two sides on a div gets really confusing and messing with pure HTML and JS. So I decided to take the tradtional route and have multiple pages for the assignment. Though I'll be working on this site long after the deadline so do check on regularly to see how it goes! Also check out my GitHub while you're at it!

Originally, this website was meant to be personal but due to aforementioned issues, this site will instead show different kind of technology used for web-dev, such as making it responsive, usage of an API, usage of localStorage etc.

P.S. I also added a few easter eggs on this site. Can you find them without digging through the source code or commits?

P.P.S. I hope you read the `readme.md` file before checking this website out.